To a narcissist, divorce is a game of psychological warfare. To win, history must be rewritten, making them into both the victim and the hero. Conspiracies will escalate into false allegations and accusations that include everything they themselves have been doing. These claims will be confusing to you because they seem to be an alternate reality relative to what your life together was really like.
What if you could learn the lessons of those that came before you in the game of divorcing a narcissist? Do you think that would help you have an advantage? I do, that is why I have gathered the stories of thousands of survivors, both men, and women to help you learn from their journey. Their painful lessons are battle scars each with its own lesson. 26 psychologists, authors, therapists, coaches, divorce lawyers, mediators, and financial planners all pulled together their top three tips to get through your divorce with a narcissist.
Has the person you married turned into an evil stranger ready for war?
You fell in love. You partner was charismatic, caring and attentive. On your wedding day, you never dreamed it could end in divorce.
Now you’re in the midst of a heated battle, wondering where that person went. What you’re discovering is that you married someone with a narcissistic personality disorder.
I love this book! I have been telling all my friends, You Can’t Make This Shit Up. Thank you for validating me. There are so many tips by experts that I will be implimenting right away. Thank you Abby – Survivor
I am just starting to decide to get a divorce from my narcissistic husband, so I really loved understanding what to expect from them but also how to protect myself emotionally. Vera -Survivor
The most important nugget is to impliment protection for tomorrow against further abusive attacks. I needed this book to see where others have been and learn how not to have that happen to me. Thank you Robert – Survivor
“Thank you Ms. Tracy. You have been a blessing. Only someone who has been there really knows what we are going through” – SurThriver
“It’s compassionate people like you who help victims get back on their feet again and inspire survivors like myself to get out there and pay it forward. I’ve started my own YouTube channel offering encouragement and support from my own personal trauma and experience with narcissistic abuse, your support means the world to me. Thank you for doing what you do! Much love.” -SurThriver
“WOW. JUST WOW!! You are unbelievable and exactly what I needed to hear right at this very moment. You said things so succinctly and accurately that it could only come from someone who has truly dealt with a narcissist. Thank you so much!” -SurThriver
“OMG I feel like I just heard myself talking….WORD for WORD! UCK! They are such pieces of sh*t! So glad I FINALLY opened my eyes and can move on to find TRUE happiness, health and REAL love….. Thank you for this!” – SurThriver
“Tracy your messages come from a positive place where you demonstrate what can happen AND that there is a life afterward. I appreciate your message and story and you are a great example of how people can overcome this abuse and rise above all of this.” – Bob
“Thank you Tracy! So true about us being resilient! We are here for each other lifting each soul & spirit on a daily basis. If it weren’t for you and other survivors, I don’t know where I would be! Keep on living your truth to help heal hurting people! Hugs & Love to you??” -SurThriver
“Your example of healing is inspirational and I enjoyed how you made light of a very traumatic relationship. You said exactly what all of us survivors of narcissistic abuse think and wish we had of known before getting involved.” – SurThriver
Divorcing a Narcissist: What You’ll Learn
Getting Started
- What To Expect When You’re Divorcing A Narcissist
- Getting Started And Making Decisions
- Understanding The Players In Your Game
- Emotional Processing
Getting Prepared
- Deciding To Leave – Preparing A Smart Exit/Safety Plan
- Is Communication During Divorce Even Possible?
- The Detective Awakens
- Planning Your Divorce
Getting Smart
- The Rules Of The Game
- The Tricks To Expect
- The Courtroom Drama
- Protecting Your Future
- Moving On
Survivor stories – Tracy A. Malone has pulled together the stories of thousands of surTHRIVERs to help you know what is possible, and to learn from the lessons from those that have come out the other side wishing they knew what they know now in hindsight. You will learn strategies to help you deal with the emotional roller coaster portion of the game.
26 experts share their tips for divorcing a narcissist
Lawyers, Therapists, Psychologists, Mediators, Financial Planners, Coaches, and Authors. Rebecca Zung, Tina Swiften, Donna Anderson, Bree Bonchey, Karen Covy, Susanna Quintana, Sharon Martin, Sherri Heller, Lindsey Ellison, Debi Silber, Susan Guthrie, Duane Robert, Randi Fine, Amy Marlow-MaCoy, Jason Levoy, Joyce Short, Rhoberta Shaler, Anne Blythe, Victoria McCooey, Babita Spinelli, Jessica McCrea, Alisa Stamps, Debbie Tudor, Susan Ball, Patricia Riley, Rosemary Lombardi